How to get from Tirana to Berat?

Travel Guide: Tirana to Berat Transport Options

Nestled in the heart of Albania, a journey from the vibrant city of Tirana to the historical town of Berat is a trip through a landscape filled with stunning views and rich heritage. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time ivisitor, understanding your transport options can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this guide, we’ll explore the best ways to travel from Tirana to Berat, including a special mention of the premium services offered by Tirana Airport Shuttle.

1. Tirana Airport Shuttle – A Premium Option

For those arriving at Tirana International Airport and looking to travel directly to Berat, the Tirana Airport Shuttle company offers an excellent solution. Known for its premium services, this company provides seamless transportation from the airport to various destinations, including Berat. With our reliable, comfortable, and punctual service, you can start your Albanian adventure in style and comfort. It’s an ideal choice for those who prefer a hassle-free and comfortable journey right from the moment they land.

2. Bus Services – The Economical Route

The most common and economical way to travel from Tirana to Berat is by bus. Buses from Tirana to Berat depart several times a day from the central bus station. The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Buses in Albania vary in terms of comfort and amenities, but they offer an authentic experience and a chance to mingle with locals.

3. Renting a Car – For the Freedom Seekers

Renting a car gives you the freedom to explore at your own pace. The drive from Tirana to Berat is scenic and relatively straightforward. The route takes you through diverse landscapes, offering a glimpse into the rural life of Albania. Car rentals are available at Tirana International Airport, and many companies offer competitive rates.

4. Taxi Services – Convenient but Pricey

Taxis are available for a direct trip from Tirana to Berat. While this is a more expensive option compared to buses, it offers convenience, especially for those traveling in a group or with lots of luggage. Always agree on the fare before starting your journey or ensure that the meter is used.

5. Guided Tours – The Informative Journey

Several tour operators in Tirana offer day trips or guided tours to Berat. These tours often include a guide who provides valuable insights into the history and culture of the regions you pass through. This is an excellent option for those who prefer an organized itinerary with a touch of educational experience.


Traveling from Tirana to Berat is an experience that offers a window into Albania’s diverse landscapes and rich cultural tapestry. Whether you choose the premium services of Tirana Airport Shuttle for a comfortable start to your journey, the economy of bus travel, the freedom of a rental car, the convenience of a taxi, or the informative nature of a guided tour, your journey is sure to be as memorable as the destination itself. Berat awaits with its unique architecture, stunning views, and a glimpse into Albania’s fascinating history.